Budget Brief 18-18
December 12, 2018

A little more than two months into fiscal year (FY) 2019, a second continuing resolution (CR) has been adopted to fund the portion of federal spending not covered by five full-year spending bills enacted earlier this year. This CR amends a nearly identical one that expired on December 7, extending it through December 21, and adding a short-term extension of the National Flood Insurance Program.

The CR covers about half the discretionary spending tracked in FFIS’s database, as shown in the chart below. The agencies listed on the chart are covered by the CR and would potentially be affected by a partial government shutdown. Table 1 at the end of this brief shows the latest funding levels for about 100 of the largest individual grant programs; those listed in italics are funded under the CR.

UPDATE (12/13): The spreadsheet below includes a more robust list of grant programs funded by the CR.